0O2, 0O4, 0S5, 0Q5, 14S, 1O3, 3S8, 3W5, 9S3, A39, AVENAL, CALIFORNIA VALLEY, CN12, CYQS, DIXON, FOT, Headquarters, ID85, K1O3, K3O1, K3O8, KAST, KAVX (Catalina Island), KAWO, KBOK, through KBUR, KC80, KCCB, KCMA, KDAG, El Mirage Dry Lake & Flying J Ranch-El Mirage, KFHR, Over LAX midfield & LAX school, KFUL, KGCD, KHAF, KHRI, KINW, KIYK, KIZA, KKIC, KL52, KLGD, KLKV, KLPC, KLSN, KLVK, KMPI, KMRY, through KNTD, KO22, KOKB, KONP, KORS, KOXR, KPGA, KPRB, KRBG, KRBL, KRNM, KSBA, KSBP, KSDM, KSHN, KSMO, KSMX, KSNS, KSZP, KSZT, KTOA, KUAO, KUKI, low pass KVBG, KWHP, KWVI, KZPH, L06, L08, L09, L61, MATANCHEN, Monument Valley, NV74, Dry Lakes, O46, O69, Over KLAX, PHHN, PHDH, S16, S51, S89, SALTON Sea x3, Slab City, Stocking Meadows, through KSEA, A few that won't be mentioned (OR/MX/Sltn), Through TRONA GAP, UT25, WA09, Yosemite, 49X, KHII, L62, L17, KFCH, KCVH, CA66, KOAR KSFF 73S 72S S94 KPUW S68 Bill's Ranch S27 KGPI (Glacier) 58S 2MT1 53U 8S1 7S0 52S S09 S34 KTHM S83 KDEW, L88 (New Cuyama "X"d- low pass), KRIR (FlaBob), L35 (Big Bear), KSBD (KTOA <->San Bernadino @ NIGHT ! :) L45, KBFL, L05, O26, Over Mt Whitney Summit at 17,200', L73, KMIT, L19, L84, KOXR, P20, L54, KFUL (Trike Lecture), KCLR, YYWG YCOR YHAY YIVO YWTO YMIA YBRN YDLQ YTOC YPOK YWGT
~ 166 Airports, Fields, or off road (4 Countries- hopefully more soon :)
If you put all your airports/off airports on SkyVector, you can make a cool map of the places you've been. These are mine:
In North American Continent (US, Mex, Canada, Hawaii)
In AUSTRALIA (MegaFauna 2014, etc)
ALL (get's a little crowded in this view)
Sounds like a wise decision. Hey, thanks for for the email. Would enjoy chatting some time when you have a few minutes. Take care.
Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but my friend wisely decided to post-pone the ferrying trip. Things were popping up that were not as advertised by the person he bought it from (why are pilots like that to other pilots). Glad it was his decision. We'll have safer adventures later, taking our time, doing it right ... ;)
Hey XC....glad to see the honorary Aussie back on deck. Hope all is well and look forward to hearing of your future adventures.
Thank you guys & gals !!! Even if I'm not posting at the moment, I'm thinking good thoughts of you.
It's good to have you back XC. Let me know if you are in my neighborhood when you make your cross-country and are in need some logistical support if you in a pinch or even if you are not. I would be happy to help.
Hello All,
I've been flying under the radar a bit lately, adventures and contemplation...
Wanted to get on and say "Hi" as we never know, tomorrow I may not get a chance to. Likely embarking on a Trans-US XC trip with a good friend tomorrow-- helping ferry an Airborne XT from Pennsylvania (East coast) to West coast, to become a trainer out here / introduce more to this wonderful sport in a safe way (he'll become an instructor, not me, yet ...). It's a BIG flight and not too much time to do it in. Will dodge the T-Storms ;)
Be good to one another and be safe ...
on that note, I'd like to post a Webinar you can join to help you get a better pre-flight briefing ...
There are many safety items posted here, please enjoy them, and POST more opportunities and wisdom for OTHERS.
Peace !
Old Flying Rule: "Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, sea, buildings and trees. It is much more difficult to fly there." WWII Undergraduate training sign
(My Dad just sent this to me ... ;)
xc thanks for your latest add ins to seagulls. very fitting learn from the birds i wonder how many pilots take the time to just sit out and really pay attention to what these marvelous evolved flyers can teach us?
xc thanks for the airport information dude. your always so knowledgeable and helpful thanks alot my friend.hey not sure when joe is making it down that way but maybe we could cordinate it together . hang out on the beach fly beer after and play guitars and all that beatnik stuff.and you would have someone to fly past at 90 mph?
Rick's (@Rdeigsler) Utah movie made me remember the map of places I've flown, and more importantly that I haven't touched a lot of Utah.
So, I went in and edited my profile (to the left) to add all the Ozzie places we flew during and after MegaFauna!(WhiteE, Jozinko (@Sajan), & everybody you can grab the links from there and add them to your own maps).
To continue on YFT's them of LOVE of trike flying, a bunch of us (Ken, Jim, Chris (@BigRed), Jozinko, etc) often fly just to touch other airports. We mark them on our maps.
Here's zoomed in on Utah showing all the places I HAVEN'T been yet, but dreams!!
guess i need a user and password from a ftp site before i can upload vids. i don't recall using ftp before, i checked w/ msofts advice web i need the ftp site login info for permission, monty
hi dave i tried to upload again this am, both zipped and not zipped, got to 15% then the webpage went to unobtainable ?? i just read your post, thanks dave will co, out monty
@Montystone, Zipped files definitely won't work-- they are smaller, but that's like asking a computer to read the ingredients printed on a crushed soda can. There's usually a feature in your video editing software that helps shrink (share) the file in a readable way-- 1.2 GB for a video file is gigantic. I can help you again tomorrow evening. In the meantime, try and find how to use your video software to shrink it-- perhaps use "help" in your video software for how to prepare video for upload to youtube. What's the name of your video software?
i tried 5 times to post my vid, both in zip file and not zip, same results, it gets to uploaded 13% and the altrike page goes unobtainable, is it something i ain't doing? or am doing? monty try monana!
hi xc, i think i edited most of the 'fluff' out of my 'almost' video, when you get a minute could you 'splain how to post it thanks monty. it has several different id's one is gopr5900.mp4 the other is goose-step 5-24-14 ( i'm un-computered)
Hey XC, There was some discussion on a trike trip called "Top to Bottom" I recall while on the Megafauna.
Do you have any information on the approximate dates or the location?
I think it was about 1500 mile.
Hi XC...thanks for your message...was great having you over here in AU. I'm flying over to Florida in the next couple of months to pick out the colours for my new Revo...in my dreams! Haha. But seriously though...catching up with you guys could be a good reason to finally visit the States. Cheers!
Webinar starts in 15 Minutes:
Top 25 Pilot Mistakes and how to avoid them.
"Come spend 60 minutes with an expert who will discuss the most common pilot mistakes and why you should avoid them. This is a MUST ATTEND Webinar for anyone from someone from a student pilot to an experienced instructor.
There is a modest fee forthis event to support PilotSafety.org, please refer to http://www.PilotSafety.org/Webinars.htmlfor details