Results for "Prop thrust"


  • Comment on "Dead Stick Mondays"

    That's right Jozinko, I often forget that (a windmilling prop (engine off)) has more drag than a stopped or idling prop. So, in your competitions, you have an engine off portion? How many times have you won t...

  • Comment on "Flying in Turbulence and Thermal Activity"

    Hi White eagle, Great summation of a number of issues relating to this topic. I believe the prop strike in the video you attac...aking free of the constraints and going through the prop....

  • Comment on "Rush hours"

    You say in your post that you are using a 17 meter wing your airport? Yes a four blade prop would help but is expensive.  If you go for a four blade prop I would suggest that you buy....    Aerolux is an excellent prop b...

  • Comment on "Shopping for Flight Suits?"

    Ken, show the bungie mod  (in the new group you just created) on the belt clasp that was made afte...lts in flight.  A friend had his shoulder belt fly off into the prop-- fortunately "LOUD noise, and dent in prop"...

  • Comment on "True Glory 3 - Australia 2014"

    It has a secondary thrust propulsion booster

  • Comment on "IMG_7518.jpg"

    That is a great looking trike Henry. As you know I like the color. That prop must do something for the sound. Usually when I hear that gearbox wh...sounded like GA aircraft instead. Bill said it must be the two blade prop.&...

  • Comment on "Es-trike closer look"

    I agree this trike is pure awesomeness!.  A lot of high technology going into this kind of a super light trike.  That electric motor with extended prop shaft & retractable prop b...

  • Comment on "Electric Trike?"

    Thanks Ace,  That is a great idea!  We're not planning to corner the...We saw this video (or one like it before) with two props- perfectly legal on 103.  One additional thing it does it get the props...

  • Comment on "photoa"

    Ouch!   There goes the neighborhood!   Now you're ready to fly Elk River with that prop.   lol  I have two props, one for ER and the other fo...e of those and you'll justify buying a new prop....

  • Comment on "My reductor"

    Thank you for your help guys! With pleasure I can to tell you, my problems are out. But with my Peszke propeller... As FlyDiver advised m...nfold gaskets, we were setup my Peszke prop by laser to one point and all...p;Then we changed my old Ukrainan AERO prop....