Results for "Melbourne, Australia"


  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    I didn’t know you were down-under. It will be interesting to see if there are any mino...lane is required to fly one with passengers (or single place 103). What’s Australia’s regulations regarding Multi...

  • Comment on "Echelon Left"

    It has been a very bad week in Australian aviation. This week 5 aircraft around Australia crashed with 5 pilots dead. This Nav was just what we needed. Noel C completed his Licence and now has a full licence....

  • Comment on "Introduction flights"

    We need trike pilot licence and training requred 6hrs of theory (basic knowledges of flight and in a bank and recovery... I spoke to some people in US and Australia and they told me they didnt t...

  • Comment on "learning to thermal and ridge soar a soaring trike"

    Wow Jozinko, that sounds hairy--  especially the part about drinking the bears...t's not thermalling, that's nuts. I hear there are Drop Bears in Australia.  I'll buy you one a...

  • Comment on "1648.jpg"

    LOL, So (YFT) Peter, since we have Americanized Dami...a story...back in my home country (Pakistan) the Australian cricket team was playing tes...ame way about us) :D BTW, I am still a big fan of Australian cricket (even though they la...

  • Comment on "For several weeks I've tried to log into TPS, but only get a 'forbidden 403' message."

    Monty, first I found TPS on net and I joined in, maybe more than 10 year ago. A lot of...lltrikes caused that I (who never been out from Europe) was flying trikes in Australia and in USA. And from deep of...

  • Comment on "Black Shadows panel"

    Hi Baydo, Yes I purchased two new aircraft with the Discover...res were just what I wanted. When they arrived in Australia they didn't work. The noise two new EFIS's to replace the ones I had. The Australian agent for MGL then rang me a...

  • Comment on "Spiral Dive recovery"

    Hi Tussock, Thank you for your comments. I for one will not be making anymore comments...time in Jets and Helicopters, I also started the first hang gliding club in Australia. I am very use to Up Set Reco...

  • Comment on "Trikes Flying Over Los Angeles Basin"

    Henry, in our country transponder is not needs for UL planes...o made an air traffic communication instead me in Australia :) For two reasons: 1- I didn...s David I've had you on board there!!! Because an Australian pilots and AT controllers wo...

  • Comment on "CRASH"

    Hi WE, Loe, When I said no comments I ment about the photos. As I said I didn't see the.... It was just a flight that went wrong. I have had a number of instructor in Australia asking me if the Airborne air...