Results for "when purchasing a new trike"



  • Who's Ready for Calendars?

    Let us know if you're interested in purchasing Calendars for 2014.  If we get several people commenting here...nbsp; "Feature Me" if you want to see it at the Top of AllTrikes !) Oh, and if you let us...

  • Help me name my trike

    Hi all, Some of you already know but I wanted to share with the rest that I bought a SLSA trike, an Airborne XT 912. This is the third trike that I have owned. My first if you could help suggest a name for my trike. Thanks for your help. Rizz...

  • +371 more Photos


  • Sport Pilot!

    Almost a year after purchasing our Trike from Chris, I am now a Licensed Sport Pilot! I wanted to thank Chris Wills, Leo Fitzgerald (CFI), Frank Dempsy (DPE), Henrytrikelife, and Damien for all of th...

  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

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  • Tax question, when purchasing a new trike

    I am purchasing a used trike from Montana. I am a resident of Oregon, do I have to pa...#39;t have any taxes in Oregon. The reason I ask this is because when I purchased my first trike (sold now) I was a resident o...

  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a...chance to take a flight in a trike two years ago and was hooked. I wa...els since I was 6 and to me a trike is basically a motorcycle with a wing. Perfect! I am purchasing a new NW Maverick legend...from that are specific to my trike to mount it? northwing or BRS...

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  • Tax question, when purchasing a new trike

    I am purchasing a used trike from Montana. I am a resident of Oregon, do I have to pay any taxes on the purchase? Since we don't have any taxes in Oregon. The reason I ask this is because when I purchased my first trike (sold now) I was a resident of Idaho and living in Idaho and I pu...

    Tags: Tax question, when purchasing a new trike, taxes, resident of oregon, resident, purchased, oregon