Results for "light airplane"




  • A/C Tanarg 912 N911WB

    A few updates to the new Trike: Sold the original IXess wing and replaced it with a new...power trim control switch on the dash. Painted the light gray areas to black metallic....adio. Installed a Baha Design dual mode LED Landing light. H...

  • Memorial Day Light Sport Aviation Rally

    The Rally was a great time.  The weather was generally nice and made for some good flying.  There where six trikes, lots of powered parachutes, a couple vis...

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  • Jamaica

    A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section of the plane. The stewardess ru...her correct seat. The copilot replies, "I told her the front half of the airplane wasn't going to Jamaica."

  • Funny flying quotes

    ...o bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb. — Benny Hill The light at the end of the tunnel is another airplanes landing light coming down head-on to the runwa...

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  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklis...ent the last 500 feet concentrating on landing the airplane but did not block the door op...away without a scratch, but did $50K damage to my airplane. At what point is it useless...

  • Buyers Guide: Personal Locator Beacons

    ...ning an adventure somewhere in the snow-covered mountains of Idaho, a light airplane can take us places other travelers can only imagine.   But planning a flight far from the bustle of civilizat...

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  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.


  • Buyers Guide: Personal Locator Beacons

      By Stephen Pope / Published: Nov 20, 2013 One of the universal attractions of flying is the personal freedom it gives us to get out and explore the world. Whether we’re headed to a favori...

    Tags: PLB, Satelite beacons, McMurdo, Locator Beacon, Distress Signal, SPOT, ACR, ResQLink, Rescue, emergency locator beacon, ELT, civilization poses, light airplane, snow-covered mountains, poses additional, additional risks, planning, explorers