Results for "Long Distance Trike Flying"


  • Testing my "Engine Out" flying skills.

    A bit of a boring video I know, and yes it is much easier when the landing site is one that is very familiar and available. But still, a good bit of exercise now and then to learn to judge your descent and distance judging skills.

  • white eagle winter flying wild horse plains montana

    well its a little long but for my first attempt at a go too bad well I guess you can get some flying in the winter in montana. pl...nana belt and has a very nice airport with lots of trike friendly folks. while there I...

  • 9,000 Miles in a Trike

    Uploaded by Henry Imgw on Dec 9, 2011 I flew over 150 hours in my trike in the year 2011, it equals about 9,000 miles in distance. Thank you all the trike pilots flew the great journeys together, specially my friends David and...

  • Trike Wombat

    Trike flying in 1989 at Hexham, Newcastle Australia. Chris Brandon flying an Airborne Buzzard Arrow 582 trike for the TV show - Wombat.

  • Trikes are so much fun

    In the recent past, there has been a lot of discussion about trike accidents, In the endĀ if you train well...e conditions then there is nothing like trike flying :D Aviation is only as safe...ere is a beautiful video of pure joy of trike flying.

  • Trike flying without the trike!

    I got to go Hang Gliding this weekend and had a nice 40 minute soaring flight. If anyone wondered why I fly the Airborne Outback trike the way I do, this should clear that up! Flying from Marshall Peak in San Ber...

  • Trike "trainer" or "realmulator"

    How about a trike trainer on a string? This one is a wind powered trike, the string might not be included :-). Anyways, I want one too. I bet is a lot of fun and cheap to fly, as long as you don't have to pay the "string guy". Fly Safe!

  • bonners ferry fly in 2015

    video is long for some reason I cant seem to make a sho...possibly because I like to turn the tv off and have flying videos on that play music I l...ed to pick music that express my emotions when I am flying.

  • Flight to Catalina-- 22 Miles over Open Ocean in a Trike

    " Uploaded on Oct 31, 2011 David and I flew from Torrance Airport to Catalina Airport. The distance between airports is 29 miles, 22 miles over open water. We climbed to 9,700 feet to ensure safe glide to land in an emergency such as engine out."


    Finally our little trike flying episode will be aired on CBS on Tues - we took her and some guests flying last year for her first...- I had the cameraman on board my trike - so you'll know where the sho...ll the talk and go straight to the flying!