Results for "speed run"


  • Comment on "Facts about flexwing flight"

    ...issue, in conjunction with “Speed Range”.  Some wing...en flown at the upper end of their speed range the handling qualities...;…they only fly well at one speed.  Many popular wings are...ellent directional stabilty at all speeds, but usually a big tip wing...

  • Comment on "wings spread. "

    .... I much prefer the 15 for handling in rougher air that we have on a daily basis here in the desert. The only downside is the speed range. I think it flys at about one speed (55 - 60 depending on tuning)...

  • Comment on "How to exit a spiral dive"

    ...downwind leg is just the visual perception of speed makes pilots more prone to push out to slow down their ground speed-- just like ridge soaring whe...ere trim is etc.  Don't fly by ground speed.

  • Comment on "Maverick Test Drive."

    .... Bases on suspension from ATC 200x.  You can run over 6" diameter logs with them easily. Handle bumps well at speed. Dampened. Tracks strait and true 10mph above lift off speed. Sane landing gear that you...

  • Comment on "Trim with forward and backward authority"

    Had it out for a bit today, really nice handling throughout the speed range. Cruises easily at 60 on the sl.... Getting a 9:1 glide ratio at idle.  Stall is 42 mph. Higher speed cruises in the upper 70s and...

  • Comment on "Escape from Serious Spiral Dive in Real Life" never know when you're going to need to call on them. Watching the speed at which that right wing stall happened was a real eye catcher. I was also very impressed with the speed at which the trike leveled ou...

  • Comment on "Time to smell the roses"

    ...being prone to instability at high speed that could cause spirals, but...that spirals are occurring at high speeds due to wing instability, whe...not so small wings also have stall speeds around 40 mph). So I'm not s...e Revo 12.4m Rival S has a stall speed of 44mph, and similarly even...

  • Comment on "Gila River Canyon"

    ...o far in front. I saw, few times, you pulled Cbar for a decreasing your speed. If you can, you can to move your center of gravity about 1cm in front... And your average speed will be a little higher and c...

  • Comment on "Time to smell the roses"

    ...are more dangerous are actually pilots flying trikes with lower cruise speed and sink rate... More towards...high performance as faser and heavier... Requiring, of course, a higher speed for approach and landing. Hop...

  • Comment on "a wee bit o wake burbulance"

    ...d to be in it's neutral position all the time in the video. Normally I would have the Bar in to the chest area on final (max speed) and flare it out (slow down the air speed) as much as I can (sometimes...