Results for "friend lsquo"


  • Alaskans flying Colombians in Alaska

    Late this summer I came in contact with Jorge and Mellie who had come to  Alaska a...e super enthused about flying in a trike so my good friend Lloyd took them on an intro f...ght.  A few weeks later he was able to fly my frien...

  • Mir diamond mine in Siberia

    The Mir diamond mine in Siberia is the deepest ‘proper’ man-made hole. It’s 525m deep and 1,200m across. There’s a no-fly zone above it because the downdraft created by the hole had caused several helicopters to crash.

  • DTA - BioNix 13 - The Marriage

    Friend Noël Perrier has just replaced his Dynamic 450 wing on his Voyageur with a brand spanking new BIONIX 13 - He is very impressed!

  • Air Creation Buggy 582SL

    Pictures of our first Trike! A beautiful Air Creation Buggy 582SL Purchased from our good friend Chris Wills in the later part of June 2015.

  • The VIP visitors

    My dear friend Branko Repolusk with his wife Jadranka visited me in September 2013. Branko and Jadranka came from YARRAWONGA airport from Australia. Their hangar is near the YFTs hangar. They came wit Brankos brather Slavko who is living in Europa and working in our country :)

  • Jim Waters

    Since I've embarked on this journey to become a Trike Pilot, I've met some of the most wonderful people I've ever h...but I am thankful and privileged to have know him nonetheless.Rest in peace my frien...

  • Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG., little Lamb Chop, pulled up outside Hangar 19. All their friends had come along in the back o...ven Emma Emu and Porky the Pig were there. But some sheepish friends were concerned about getting swine ‘flu from Porky, so they wore...

  • My darlings new dress

    My friend Peter Csudai who is a profi airbrusher made new face to my trike. I will go for it and I will dress up my darling tomorrow. Yuuuupííííííí!!!!

  • My New (used) Airborne Streak 3 wing

    I want to fly faster - so now my trike has had a birthday and is adorned with a new wing - an Airborne Streak 3. Recently a frien...

  • A new Era has begun - Pegasus Quantum Q2 and 912 - 80HP

    I was sad to see the Air Creation Clipper 582 GTE XP 15 go, but quietly excited to take ownership of my Pegasus...aught me to live, and took me to many far places in comfort - Good bye my Frien...