Results for "Time to smell the roses"


  • Patience --Guns and Roses

    Just chilling with this song...this is back when music was music...Enjoy!

  • Hang Glider Tow Running Behind a Trike!

    Hang Glider Tow Running Behind a Trike - and a pretty sensational video for the rest of it too. Hope they de-thorned the roses. Enjoy!

  • Rio Manzano

    During the summer monsoon season in New Mexico, we get near perfect flying conditions every morning. I loaded up t...ed for the mountains. It was very calm and smooth, so I could get in close and smell...

  • Epic Sandy Cape

    Top of Fraser Island - timelapse A flight to the top of Fraser Island has been a choice of destination on my to do list for some time. Now it is done. Quite often it is too windy, cloudy and turbulent to go up there, and a lot of time is required to complete the trip. But now it gets a big tick!

  • Electric Trike?

    You know, these guys from Earthstar are only about 50 miles form me and or RV without it spilling fuel/oil/smell and mess all over. Many oth...lectric to gas engine. There might be times when you would like/need to fly under power for longer periods of times...

  • First Flight for 2012

    There's something of a ritual among recreational aviators when it comes to the change of year time....On that day, the tower was not opening until 90:00 local time,...

  • A Slice of Heaven

    For those who have not heard, David and Sonya Coy lost their son unexpectily.  As you...anied him. George and I were also thankful to spend some time...ute I put together for David and Sonya in this difficult time....

  • 2018 Glacier National Park Flight

    This was my 5th flight over the park. My most favorite place to fly in USA. I flew alone this time...e way up to just 5 miles from Canadian border. The total time...

  • A new overall test

    I flew for a long time again :)

  • learing to fly with no training

    gets away with it this time but watch his landing