Results for "New Wings for Airborne Trike"






  • Another lean mean trike

    This is a new addition to the list of things I want (if I win the powerball) I feel among the top all purpose rigid trikes, you got Skyyper, Airborne Outback and DTA Voyager 2. All I need to do now is win the Powerball...LOL

  • NorthBorne?

    This is my XT carriage being fitted with a GT 6 by Kamron at Northwing right now. Pretty excited for this coming flying season. Does anyone on here have experience flying a Airborne trike with a Northwing wing? Looking forward to meeting you all in Joseph Oregon in July!!!

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  • Airborne Windsports Australia - Microlights
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    Airborne Windsports Australia - Microlights

    Airborne Windsport Trikes Australia
  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.


  • New Wings for the Airborne Trike

    It seems like Airborne has three new wings for their new trike. I wonder if these wings would be available for their existing trikes.   XR -S     Toples XR -K     Kingpost Double Surface Wing XR -M     Kingpost Single Surfa...

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