Do dreams count?
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2015-08-15 16:00 | |
2015-08-16 19:00 | |
Hello Everyone, I know I am new here and wanting to get in to this wonderful hobby/sport. I have been involved with building and flyin models for years and this is something I have done since 2011 benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Montana. I know it is about models but I would like to take this oppertunity to invite all of you as well. Wings For Wishes is held at K52S in St. Ignatius Montana. With all this room it would be really neat to start involving other venues of aviation at this event.
Wings For Wishes (WFW) was founded in February of 2011 by Eric Kendall. The inspiration for Wings For Wishes is a young man by the name of Dylan Levy. His father, Noah Levy was a classmate of Eric's wife. Little Dylan was diagnosed with BA (a sick liver) at a young age. Long story short, in the winter if 2010 Make-A-Wish stepped in and made Dylan's wish of wanting to see snow come true. Eric was moved by what Make-A-Wish did for Dylan and his family, and Eric wanted so bad to do his part and help Make-A-Wish Foundation grant more wishes like Dylan, Thus the birth of Wings For Wishes. Please feel free to read more about Dylan Levy through the link at the bottom of this page. Wings For Wishes is an annual fun fly event held in Polson Montana to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Montana, with the unique design of the event 100% profit/proceeds are donated. In other words, every dime that comes in to the event goes to Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Montana. | |
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- white eagle@wambleska

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