Results for "Engine Rough"

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  • Intermediate Syndrome

    We have had a spike in relatively new pilots getting into...low and fast 15) trim system dangers 16) landing in rough air 17) flying in rain 18) fr...wings 28) rotor awareness 29) learning to flying in rough air 30) route planning in the...

  • Gibbo Manta 15 meter single surface wing on an HKS 700e, a good idea or not?

    I am thinking of buying my second wing and would like your input. Currently I...Northwing with my Navajo trike that has an HKS 700e engine and I am thinking of getting...uced span of the Gibbo wing, I have heard that your engin...

  • Mark Gibbo Gibson

    I just learned that trike pioneer and topless wing builder Mark Gibson died this morning while flying his trike during an engine failure in the Houston area.&...rashing his trike into a line of trees following an engin...

  • The Green 1 e-Glider from eUp Aviation- Canada. Electric Soaring Trike !!!

    When I went to Dan Beattie's page, I saw this message from Dave G there about a you'd think-- much of that noise we think is engine is actually the propeller.&nb...feathered by folding together straight back when no engin...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    I found this post over on the ultralight yahoo group. I though it was p...eriodically performing some simulated engine out landings.  I am sure...t.  Why?  Because simulated engine out landings build confidence...If you have never done a simulated engin...

  • Flying in Turbulence and Thermal Activity

    Hi all, I hope I am NOT the only one here w...friend) and he noticed that flying through the Turbulence, I was pulling...of transferring a lot of bad energy through the Trike carriage. I am not...that you think are good for flying in rough conditions? Thanks, Rizzy

  • Cross-category Static Thrust Competition

    There will be a cross-category Static Thrust Competition at: April 3-6, Bensen Days, 40th Annual Wau...mpetition at B-Days. Typically you compete with others with the same engine…the props, carbs, re-drives and engin...

  • Static Thrust Competition at ROTR

    Rotax Rick should be happy to hear his 670 engine with a 7” smaller prop…matched the significantly more expensi..., 2013 Number     Aircraft     Engin...

  • Active Hang Block

    Hi all,   I have a question. On the Northwing website, they sell active Hang B...orthwing, "The new Active Hang Block provides even more positive stability in rough air, requiring less control-i...

  • Firesleeves or No Firesleeves, that is the quesion

    Hi all,   I was reading up on Rotax 912 engines and realized that same 912s Which got me thinking why some engines on trikes have Firesleeves (manufacturers) order engines with Firesleeves installed a...ose of firesleeve is to sustain an engin...