Results for "ultralight trike"

Top-level pages

  • Ken and the Weedhopper

    ken and i drove the 600mls to lake alvord in south east oregon, his ford 'exploder' dragging a huge trailer with my we...y, i had a brain-phart, why not fly the rest of the way! so, we assembled the ultra...

  • Pilot's Tip of the Week- Keeping your Medical

    Many of you chose trikes because as a Light Sport Aircraft, a medical is not required.  However, there are many trike pilots with Private Pilot Lic...

  • Motorkite Dreaming (An epic trip)

    5 episodes detailing the fun and tribulations of a group determined to cross 4000 klms of Australian outback by trike. Amazingly captured!This show has some great sphincter pucker factor,;)  

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00....d is always running away from Chuck Norris and his trike. Right of Way rules do no...ded to punch through them. He then got back in his trike and flew through the hole he...

  • World Air Games

    Word Has it that Todd Ware will be competing in Trike Pylon Racing in Dubai in the coming days flying a P&M Quick. Live streaming coming soon via this link   Good Luck Todd!

  • Learning to Fly Q & A, tips and Suggestions

    Student Pilots and people Curious about triking--  Post your questions here.  The rest of us will post answers, tips and suggestions until this grows into a great resource for all trike students.

  • Adding a different engine to your trike

    I just wanted to find out(for my knowledge) that how easy is it to covert from a 582 to a HKS in USA. If your aircraft is registered as an Experimental E-LSA, wha...

  • Small Plane Crashes at Big Airport- but No one notices!

    Authorities struggled to explain how a small plane crashed at an international airport, erupted in fire, but evidently went unnoticed for hours.  (fortunately not a trike, but ... )

  • Insurance

    It seems I'm on the wrong side of the fence :-(. Apparently it is much safer to be an RA...oker told me today that QBE insurance will in some cases insure a four stroke trike, but only if it is RAAus regi...

  • History made at YFT in the QuikRRRRRRRRR !!!

    I am please to advise that I received my solo certificate last weekend at YFT....ustralia to receive solo status whilst under instruction in this type of trike. Australian trike flying is dominated by Airbou...