Results for "Trike Schools"

Top-level pages

  • Motorkite Dreaming (An epic trip)

    5 episodes detailing the fun and tribulations of a group determined to cross 4000 klms of Australian outback by trike. Amazingly captured!This show has some great sphincter pucker factor,;)  

  • Chuck Norris- Probably THE most famous Trike Pilot

    When Chuck Norris flies, the altimeter setting is 00.00 ---  Chuck Norris...nd is always running away from Chuck Norris and his trike. Right of Way rules do no...ided to punch through them. He then got back in his trike a...

  • World Air Games

    Word Has it that Todd Ware will be competing in Trike Pylon Racing in Dubai in the coming days flying a P&M Quick. Live streaming coming soon via this link   Good Luck Todd!

  • Learning to Fly Q & A, tips and Suggestions

    Student Pilots and people Curious about triking--  Post your questions here.  The rest of us will post answers, tips and suggestions until this grows into a great resource for all trike students.

  • Part 103 & Soaring Trikes-- What's available

    Let's have a group effort to list out what is available in 103 & Soaring trikes.  Help fill in the started (copy paste): Trike Name: [Photo] Click to en...; ========= ATF (Ai...;

  • Adding a different engine to your trike

    I just wanted to find out(for my knowledge) that how easy is it to covert from a 582 to a HKS in USA. If your aircraft is registered as an Experimental E-LSA, what...

  • Small Plane Crashes at Big Airport- but No one notices!

    Authorities struggled to explain how a small plane crashed at an international airport, erupted in fire, but evidently went unnoticed for hours.  (fortunately not a trike, but ... )

  • Insurance

    It seems I'm on the wrong side of the fence :-(. Apparently it is much safer to be an RAAus pilot than a HGFA pilo...roker told me today that QBE insurance will in some cases insure a four stroke trike,...

  • History made at YFT in the QuikRRRRRRRRR !!!

    I am please to advise that I received my solo certificate last weekend at YFT. Nothing really unusual...Australia to receive solo status whilst under instruction in this type of trike. Australian trike f...

  • How much does it cost to operate a Trike? What does this sport cost on an hourly basis?

      Exactly $62 / hr   ; )     ...ase cost or depreciation of the trike.  After the first purchase depreciation, trikes hold their value pretty well...ost lets say 500/mo shared by 2 trikes = 250 / mo = $30/hr &n...39;s costing me about $10 in my trike!!...