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  • Comment on "What is the dollar amount a Sports Pilot can ask for sharing expenses?"

    ...a penny more (because that would be illegal) ?  That's kinda like chargin...g someone who eats dinner at your house !!   (1 hr fuel ~ 4 gallons =...exchanged suddenly legal liability changes...  let someone land on your prop...

  • Comment on "Four" but if I ever upgraded to another has to be an Air Creation...I love there low CG. I flew XC triker's trike, it flew beautifully and one other thing I found very...

  • Comment on "Jebbs first video flying his new soaring trike"

    ...At 00:19 when the engine STOPS ...  isn't it amazing how you...quility fill the noisy gap !!! ;-)    I fly a big trike currently so I can say this--  those who haven't soared...of just flying in peaceful quiet.  For some of the bigger clubs...

  • Comment on "white eagles first engine out in soaring trike at elk river fly in"

    ...feeling like you are healthy, because you are!  Call me sometime and we'l...lities are for changing your lifestyle and /or  shifting your paradigm we know it, is just like the oil companies?  Makin' a profit is OK, bu...

  • Comment on "Pilot crashes on first solo"

    ...on take off, right as he was turning to the R crosswind.  I don't think climbing more was an option for him.  He did have some options, left, or really hard right might have been better ...   but hitting a fluffy t...

  • Comment on "Beach Flight Today"

    Thanks guys.  That sounds beautiful Tom- get that computer fixed!!!  That was funny White Eagle, Jozinko come on out.  @Yarraft pier facts :) ...ach (about 0:58 in the movie).  There was some ground contam...of "contamination."  I thought about trying to bu...

  • Comment on "Wefly please explain???"

    ...lished. Rob Hibberd, Yarna Wench and myself after flying Airborne trikes over the beautiful Newcastle...rise.. in very cold air conditions..! Actually, it would be the only PINK trike ever built.. maybe...

  • Comment on "wings spread. "

    Thanks for the advice Gentlemen. The fold and fly advantage of the Mustang is making this a difficult decision.... Very good point on getting a new sail for the frame if needed.... A mouse already killed one of my instructors wings. Jeez tough call 

  • Comment on "Good to GO"

    ...rg BioniX is a sweet machine.. We launch into cold low level air, enjoy just 7 minutes of circui...s for Melbourne.. strongest winds ever - 140 klms. On left base.. a huge burst of hot air from...

  • Comment on "white eagle winter flying wild horse plains montana"

    ...great job in putting together that video.  Moody Blues all the way!  Yes, that terrain around Pla...have some very soarable hills/mountains.  Excellent job in piloting to...ustment on your wing and the new prop on.  Thanks for sharing.