Results for "powered hand glider"


  • Comment on "Looking good again"

    Holy crap its a joke i really thought yft was being sent up the river.shows how gull...t learn anything from him) my second instructor was a classic owens valley hang glider pilot and his methods were mo...

  • Comment on "Sad Day"

    Man... that's incredibly sad, Leo. Joe, I'm...? The extra wing loading on the right hand wing increases its speed, whi...he turn. I understand that many light handling handling wings don't the keel (similar to a Sensor hang glider). Joe, I think you're spot o...

  • Comment on "Morning Glory Flight 2010"

    These Roll Clouds all vary.  No two the same. Base will be usually 400-800 ft but they can to...rises.  Uncommon to last more than two hours. Our first hanglider flights were aided by powered foot launch harnesses. ...

  • Comment on "Moving map!"

    Ken, looks good.  I have been hesitant to go the iPad route because of sunlight readability probs.  G...9;s often not bright enough.  I have my iPhone mounted where you have your hand-h...

  • Comment on "Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost"

    Yeah Andy,  immersion!  I immersed myself in studies.  You immersed yourself in the residential...s like some people do.  Same ~25 +/1 (plus ground school) hours on the one hand w...

  • Comment on "Photos"

    And now a word from this week's sponsor of!!  John "Ole" Olson the Winged Gringo! How...ilots, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, Microlights, and a whole lo...

  • Comment on "Hangercross or is it Motoglider???"

    Yep!   How 'bout THIS?    (Sky Gypsies: Fade to Flying)   TH...r end.So using only parts purchased at the local hardware store and an old hang glider wing, he rigged up the Sky Bi...

  • Comment on "Up With Gary"

    hi dave, yes i lived in the uk 'midlands' for a while during 1941 after some teutonic 'supermen'...ruption of 'testes', wherin manly courage emanates, and of course ' hand p...

  • Comment on "2020 PNW flyin"

    We had an excellent week in Winthrop WA flying all over the place.  The winds seemed to be our only obstacle...  Tom   Saying hello at 9,100 ft.  Zoom in next to my right hand &...

  • Comment on "white eagles first engine out in soaring trike at elk river fly in"

    YWhat brakes u foget on that trike the only brake is the shoe on tire and you cant h...unway and could have at any time.but it may sound lame but i havnt flown hang glider scince 1993. Ive been honing...