Results for "CFI Training Books for Sale"


  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    I am now 2 Century's Old!!! Today I clocked up 200.9hours. 122 of which are solo hours. I had my first training flight on 1st July 2012, so all this in 3 years. Here's to another 100 hours of safe flying for me and everyone else here.

  • Comment on "Noel C Flies to YCOR"

    Hi XC I am not sure where you picked up on this photo.  This was taken early on in my training.  That YFT in the back seat about to slap me in the helmet for doing something wrong.......thats not true....he never slapped me in front of a camera!!

  • Comment on "Dead Stick Mondays"

    I just have to agree with Joe. You don't know where the engine will stop... for many reasons. You must estimate your altitude, gliding efficiency, landing point, and where you will land. I'm always training for an emergency landing, if it happens, from different altitudes over the airport.

  • Comment on "Formation Training"

    Hi David, I forgot to mention that a safe distance for a well trained Formation Pilot is 3 feet. We don't worry about the distance apart because we trust each other and we have all been through the same training. This type of flying is a DISCIPLINE!

  • Comment on "16 hour Trike Annual Certification Course S/W US"

    Hi Jackye, I just purchased my tickets from Baltimore to Las Vegas on Southwest airlines for $270 round trip. Best price I could find and not bad considering. Once we settle in on a training center I'll start stalking my hotel prices. Hope to see you there! Scott

  • Comment on "Salton Sea Area last week 2016"

    Hello Dave G and Ken. Still Flying my trike. I've been very busy training students in their...

  • Comment on "The new Part 103 Rev by Evolution trikes"

    Very nice looking trike. I bet by flaring from the rear wires or with training bars attached you could make a decent full flare landing. I used to fly a pteradactyl that could do no roll landings. It was a lot of fun just landing.

  • Comment on "a wee bit o wake burbulance"

    Yes Damien, I always do it like you. To have trike under control at higher air speed and slowly push the bar out some foot over rwy only... Video is a little long, but you can see my landing technique with and without engine.

  • Comment on "Lawrie completed 12 months 6/01/2015"

    Quite the aviary at Yarrawonga. White Eagles. White Cockatoos. Buzzy Bees. Flying Frogs and the adorable Toucans. Well done Lawrie on your first 12 months. You certainly picked the best place for your flight training.

  • Comment on "THE RIDGE TRIKE SQUAD"

    Hello WeFly/Toucans, My, haven't we all aged so gracefully!. I enjoyed the historic photos.  Can you tell me where this training took place?.  From the pics it looks like there is plenty of red australian outback dirt. It all looked like a lot of fun.