Results for "reasons"


  • Comment on "Trevor the pilot"

    ...wn I asked Trevor if there was any reason that he could see, why he should not have past a flight test. Trevor gave me a number reasons, but they were all very tiny reasons. So I issued Trevor with his...

  • Comment on "Sad Day"

    ...y long time 'rant' is that if left to the pilot to deploy it, for many reasons ain't gonna happen. might as...AL info on ALL trike crashes as to learn, as far as possible, the REAL reasons for these tragedy's. otherwis...

  • +55 more Comments



  • Breaking shear waves

    ...ind is blowing right to left, and difference in speed with altitude because of surface friction is enough to form waves which break, for the same reasons that waves and breakers form...


  • Sign this Petition to Save our Sport!

    ...ors (~ 1%) remain in the industry. Some aircraft types have essentially zero instructors or legally eligible aircraft to instruct with. While the reasons for this drastic drop are mul...


  • Facts about flexwing flight

    An article written by Giles Bru that defines the reasons and philosophy behind Air Creation wing designs. Very sound knowledge, experience and wisdom that may allow us al...

  • Breaking shear waves

    ...ind is blowing right to left, and difference in speed with altitude because of surface friction is enough to form waves which break, for the same reasons that waves and breakers form...


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  • "Black Out" Landings (When to flare if landing in the Dark)

    Most trike pilots do not land at night due to license restriction or good luck with planning.  Many do not have a landing light.  These factors and the fact that you may some day be caught out by unforeseen circumstances and find yourself landing in the dark are good reasons to at le...

    Tags: pilotworkshop, Night landing, landing in dark, flare, timing, landing light, reasons, landing, light