Results for "Rizzy's Trike"



  • Help me name my trike

    Hi all, Some of you already know but I wanted to share with the rest that I bought a SLSA trike, an Airborne XT 912. This is the third trike that I have owned. My first if you could help suggest a name for my trike. Thanks for your help. Rizz...

  • Daddy's Little Helper

    My (Rizzy's) son Zach helping me with the trike. You have got to start them young :D Trike in picture is a Northwing Navajo Trike with HKS 700e and Manta 17 RST wing.

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  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

  • Shipping Rizzy's wing

    I spent most of the day today packing my wing for shipping to Texas

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  • What GPS to buy

    Hi, I am in the market to buy a new GPS for my trike and I would like your input. Currently I have the old Garmin GPS iii. What GPS do you use, why do you use it and how much did it run you? Thanks for your help. Regards, Rizzy

  • Flycom, Lynx and Comtronics

    I am trying to decide of what system to use for my new trike. In the past I have used Lynx system and loved it. But I want to...and why? I have the option of buying completely a new system. My trike comes with Comtronics helmets...

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