Results for "Crash scene from movie Flight"

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  • Out of gas: Ultralight trike exhausted fuel before crash — An ultralight trike ran out of fuel as it soared 1,300 feet above the Kona Coast before crashing March 20 at Kukio, federal investigators report.

  • Beautiful Movie Flying Hang Gliders across the Alps   The cinematography is stunning, but the film is all in German language.  Very cool to watch though.  some cool stuff starting at 40 minutes too, and a surprise ending.

  • don't sit next to a thief!

    so, this husband and wife go to the movies, and on the way she finds a wad of money, haveing no pockets she tucks it into her panties. after the movie...

  • Aircraft maintenance a "necessary evil"? / Waddington Efffect : Opinion Mike Busch, a well-known A&P/IA and owner of Savvy Aviator

    Mike Busch, a well-known A&P/IA and owne...ary evil (like surgery). We have to do it from time to time, but we sure don...of the recent local fatal GA (not trike) crash of a plane on it's first flight after it's annual inspect...

  • Another Trike Crash with Two Fatalities  ...ear-Fort-Atkinson-two-rescued-from--439385573.html   As r...y two people have died in the crash of an ultralight plane into...kinson Airport just before it crashe...

  • Jim Baker, Rabies and Movie Sex

    My neighbor was bit by a stray rabid dog. I went to see how he was and found him writing frantically on a piece...ill? I'm making a list of the people I want to bite. I hate sex in the movies...

  • fatality in trike crash in buckeye az.

    sad news, high time fixed wing pilot killed crashing a revo. su...ff, went 'straight up, then 'straight down' from the pics it wasn't under cont...witnessed several 'steep take-off', stall, crash...tion, stall, and if you don't have altitude crash....

  • Congratulations to Jeff

    I was sent the following link recentl...and romantic presntation and in-fligh...Da Vinci's thoughts on achieving flight, which Jeff's interview brings to life, and is coupled with scenes of his own flying. I loved th...mbassador for both our sport and flight in general, and his thoughtfu...

  • Engine Out...

    Two blondes were flying to Miami from Cleveland. Fifteen minutes into the flight, the captain announced "One of the engines has failed and the flight will be an hour longer. But d...d "One more engine has failed and the flight will be two hours longer. But...