Results for "Lucinda's solo flight"


  • Secrets of Death Valley

    We enjoyed the flight in three trikes and an airplane. Many of those beautiful desert landscapes can't easily be accessed on the ground. Special thanks to Leo Fitzgerald, John and Marva, Warren and Roger for flying together.

  • short test flight

    It was thermal day with dusty cross wind. Then Branko, Adriana, my wife Jana and me went to restaurant somthing to eat and one beer. We flew with Branko about one hour later.

  • Pahrump, NV 5.17.14

    Flight in mountains northwest of Pahrump, dry lake in California southwest of Pahrump, Chicken Ranch fly-by, and a little golfing.

  • Fulfilling a dream of flight

    So many dream of flying... for many of us it remains a dream. This lucky one had their dreams fulfilled. 

  • Jany

    Jany and me are partners in our ROGALLO TEAM trike school. It was radio and antenna test flight, but for Jany it was passion...

  • Dan & Becky's Flying Adventure

    Took my next door neighbors up for their first trike flight. They were very nervous but overcame the fear. As expected, I have more friends to fill the back seat when Debbie can't fly. :) I think I get more enjoyment out of taking people up for this unique experience than they do.

  • Sarah's Sunsets

    I recently had the pleasure of sharing an evening flight with an adventurous young lady whom I have known for many years. Introducing people to the unique flying experience that a trike provides is great fun! Hope you enjoy the ride.

  • A Flight to Central Washington

    The words to this song are easy to remember! AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH! This was a late Oct trip from Spokane WA over to Ellensburg WA to do a little work with our Geology friends at Central WA University.


    YFT team enjoys a Sunday morning flight from Yarrawonga to Tocumwal for a great breakfast put on by the local Aero Club, using the occasion as a Cross Country Nav exercise for Noel and Ian.

  • my first flight of the day at elk river waiting for xc and george to fly in 2013

    well it looks pretty low over the trees but actually i was well above them but i decided with slower climb and density altitude to do a diagnal downwind leg while at elk river.worked out well for the next 6 flights.what a fun time we all had.