
A Flight to Central Washington

By Ttabs Comments (10)

The words to this song are easy to remember! AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH! This was a late Oct trip from Spokane WA over to Ellensburg WA to do a little work with our Geology friends at Central WA University.


  • white eagle

    Wehw t tabs i flew about 50 miles of that in my redback. Those cliffs are amazing and some good air sinkholes. So that large aera of water ponds and hills is that left over from the southernly rush of water kinda like when you break the dam and after the water leaves. Formed when lake missoula broke. Montana is wild i can be up above 8000 ft on a mountain on my horse and see all the acient shorelines as the reciede about a foot a year. Or at the hang glider launch at sandia peak at 10,365 ft .great place to look for fossil clams and stemed plants.

  • Ttabs

    You mean Potholes lake?  I believe that area has a large formation of sand dunes.  The dam'd up a portion and the water backfilled that area that makes it look striking.  But to no avail - it's mother nature with a man-made lake to give it the remarkable formation.  

  • Ttabs

    Common folks - no one wants to join the sing-a-long?  The word is easy!  AHHHHHH AHHHHH .   

  • white eagle

    Thanks tom pot hole lake really looked cool. As far as the songs concerned( iam saving that one for the first time i have to use my chute ) by the way dont quit your day job!!

  • Ken

    Ahhhh ahhhh

  • XC Triker

    Nice opening scene! Very cool video. There's something primal about racing a train, in your's it morphed into a snake for me-- with the shroopy music too. Great!!! You are a master. Don't fly so low over nasties buddy ;)

    Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh!!!!

  • Jozinko

    Beautiful video! I love your low flying, incredible csenes from Potholes lane and flight on and off the Frenchman Coulee.

  • madmik

    Thanks again ttabs. I encourage others to learn about the geology and geographical history of the region. A deeper understanding of how such beauty is formed enhances the experience (and desire to fly rather than virtually accompany). Such amazing places you've the opportunity to experience.

  • XC Triker

    Hey Ttabs, Anne M ( @AMclean ) YFT's wife showed me a hand written letter addressed to all her world frineds on AllTrikes thanking us all for being friends, sharing and making the world a smaller closer place.  She also mentioned her love of the sharing of the geography of our various countries and specifically some of the films she has seen (yours I'm sure) of the Columbia gorge etc.  So, I found this movie for us to watch together, but we couldn't find that brilliant geographical movie that you narrated showing all the glaciation and other geographical aspects.  Can you find the link for us?

  • Dave G

    Here are the links that I think you are looking for XC they are some of the cooler things that I've seen coming out of Studio Tabbert


    Dave G