Results for "Trike flying"


  • Flying With George - Fire and Ice

    Second flight of 2013... Low clouds opened up in the late afternoon making for gorgeous flying conditions with a wonderful w...

  • Pilatus PC-6 Bush Flying - Timika, Papua

    The first of what I hope will be a few movies flying in the mountains of West Papua, Indonesia. Filmed over a couple of months, this movie shows landings and take-offs from some of the remote...

  • Es-trike closer look

    This one is for you white eagle. Taking about wetting our pants? We will need adult diapers. This trike is just pure awesomeness!!!! I am also very please to know that they are thinking about the physically challenge pilots, kudos to them.

  • Rio Manzano

    During the summer monsoon season in New Mexico, we get near perfect flying conditions every morning. I loa...look and saw the "Alien" balloon. After doing a flyby, (note to other trike pilots, when doing a balloon f...

  • 2019 Joseph OR fly-in ....

    ...cooler weather and the cloud flying it brought.  Most of you...-in.  We look forward to flying with him again.   George...bsp; Walt Baydo’s  trike nearly survived the event (exc...pumped about getting back to flying in Australia that he promised...

  • formation flying tahoe

    formation flying with Paul lake tahoe

  • Aircreation Skypper Trike, this is how they do it

    Saw this video on one of the social sites and I know how much XC triker, Ken and others love the Air Creation this is for all of you Air Creation Fellows out there.


    ...vier Aubert flew their two microlight trikes from Buenos Aires to Cape Town via Greenland, flying over 3 continents (Americas, Atlantic. Their machines were like flying motorbikes, so they had to on DVD (NTSC & PAL) at:

  • Killer electric trike setup

    Ok, I want this one...this is awesome, this video is in Japenese I believe but check out the ease of assembling for this Electric wins the award for Low and Slow :)

  • wingsuit from trike

    Wingsuit jump from trike