Results for "Light Sport Aircraft"

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  • A year of progress on international freedom to fly- AOPA International

      The core issues remain much the same as they were 50 The International Council of Aircr...with the addition of the Island Aircraft Owners Associationrepresentin...universal airport policies, optimize flight training, create standards to mi...

  • My Biggest Day Ever Day Trip.

    My most 1day epic flight trip to date.  I flew with some guys from my Aeroclub from Maryborough to Monto and return.  Aircraft.... 2x Cessnas, 1x Piper Bona...

  • 912 oil filters

    I'm ordering up a case of oil and some filters at Aircraft Spruce.  I went to see if they offer Rotax filters and instead they have these:

  • Bensen Days - Wauchula, Florida

    Hope to see some Florida trike guys in Wauchula this weekend for Bensen Days. The fore...April 3-6, Bensen Days, 40th Annual Fly-in (all aircr...Contest 11:00 Egg Drop Contest 12:00 Exhibition Flights 2:00 Static Thrust Competition...

  • Another Trike Crash with Two Fatalities in the crash of an ultralight...f Fort Atkinson died when the aircraft went down in the Rock River n...rson Tuesday night. The ultralight had taken off from Fort Atkinson...

  • How to install instrumentation on a stick trike

    This page is inspired by the lack of help I got from another prominan...tall a new GPS (Garmin AERA 500), a Flight 2 combined airspeed/altimeter...anel on a fairly simple, but typical light sport trike? Since my trike is regi...ional that the pilot could reach in flight, e...

  • Rotax announces REVISED Service Instructions: 912-016, 914, 912i. Suitable Operating Fluids/Oil/Fuel

      Rotax announces REVISED Service Instr...highly relevant to the proper care of their Rotax Aircraft Engine. To further assis...various airframe components it is recommended that Aircraft Manufacturers and owner/opera...

  • Call to Action. Adding Spiral recovery Tasks to the Practical Test Standards (PTS). can be either in the Slow Flight and Stalls Area after the whi...f exactly the sequence among flight instructors, but  I teac...S) REFERENCES: FAA-H-8083-5; Aircraft Flight Manual(AFM)/POH/AOI,&n...specific weight-shift control aircraft. 6. Returns to the altitude,...

  • Frugal Flying

    Fly often, buy a reasonably priced used aircraft. "Frugal flying August 7, 2013 by General Aviation News Staff...


    i've read about 'goose stepping', seen results of it, but until this AM i had'nt dun it.  i was landing ( in light ra...