Results for "XC flying"

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  • CFI Training Books for Sale

    ..., I don't feel that my skill level is where I can teach others and also my wife doesn't want me to pursue it. So for me it is back to Experimental flying. I guess my new direction is...

  • ouch

    ...pinal operation 3 weeks ago and i'm still having to use a walker to get around drove yesterday for first time since the op, still hoping to resume flying my trike as soon as i am able...

  • Grand Canyon 2018, Day 3   Here is Day 3 of my Arizona Flying Adventure. A short hop to the Grand Gulch Mine and Airstrip, followed by an ATV tour to the rim of the Grand Canyon.

  • Getting off to the best start in TrikeLife -What advice would you share?

    ...Several videos on YouTube have truly inspired me. While the thought of flying a Cessna doesn't quite flip my switch, the open air / low & slow aspect of weight-shift flying is very appealing to me....

  • Elk River Fly-in 2013 wheat fields and Rock Lake lie waiting for us to the west.   So the question is - who's up for a get-together and some spectacular flying?    

  • A very sad news: Rebel Wallace died in a trike crash

    ...ike crash. There is not much information on it since it happened yesterday. He was with a student at the time of the crash. I had the pleasure of flying with him many times and was i...

  • Quotes

    “Pilots begin their journey in the sky with an individualistic fervor.  They guide the raw skill of flying by the personality that passing years, influences, and genetic...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    ...many of you but it was for me.  I got out flying late today and since it was s...solutely no traffic at the small airport I was flying at, I decided to practice som...will it happen to you.  If you have been flying trikes long enough it is quit...

  • Class C inner ring SURFACE? the tower?  The river valley is in  a 1/3 mile swath of empty flood plain, with no buildings. This came up because I saw a plane flying very low over the river last...

  • Gibbo Manta 15 meter single surface wing on an HKS 700e, a good idea or not?

    ...s to work extra hard by at least 800 rpms for the same level that right? All I want to do is to get a 15 meter for kinda mid day flying. I am still not a big cross c...