Montycosmos racer


Last updated by Monty

Categories: Trike Talk

well friends,  i had the spinal operation 3 weeks ago and i'm still having to use a walker to get around drove yesterday for first time since the op, still hoping to resume flying my trike as soon as i am able, though there aint any 2 place guys i'm aware for a check ride around here, damn it, my trike is freshly painted and i only had four flights on that new wing before i tripped and fell causlng a bone spur to jam into my spinal cord disrupting things. could have been worse, i didnt spoil this (soon to be 84 yrs old chick magnet face !) though i was told haveing an english accent was a dead cert chick-getter , another fallacy , so far! the surgeon took three bony bits out of my neck so i may be a bobble-head monty.