Results for "Trike Flying Video and Photo Competition for 2013"

Top-level pages

  • My Biggest Day Ever Day Trip.

    My most 1day epic flight trip to date.  I flew with some guys from my Aeroclub from Maryb...oo, and took one for a scenic fly over Cania Gorge.  Very picturesque. Total flyi...

  • Learning to Fly Q & A, tips and Suggestions

    Student Pilots and people Curious about triking--  Post your questions here.  The rest of us will post answers, tips and suggestions until this grows into a great resource for all trike students.

  • Adding a different engine to your trike

    I just wanted to find out(for my knowledge) that how easy is it to covert from a 582 to a HKS in USA. If your aircraft is registered as an Experimental E-LSA, wha...

  • Pilot's Prayer

    When my flying days are over And from this life I pass..... I hope they bury me upside down So the FAA can kiss my A""

  • Viber text messaging

        I have the ozrunways app for my iPad ( haven't tried it in flight family are android users) because it would be really good for sending a text while flyi...

  • How's your Weather?

    Well it's almost summer here in the great Queensland of Australia.  Flying opp...

  • Insurance

    It seems I'm on the wrong side of the fence :-(. Apparently it is much safer to be an RAAus pilot...rance broker told me today that QBE insurance will in some cases insure a four stroke trik...

  • side-loading trikes in the hanger

    Independent trike dollies. I bolt two Shepard 12" 3-wheel dollies together. Works great for side-loading trikes in the hanger.

  • Third edition of TrikeMag now out

    Just published the third edition of TrikeMag. For viewing on smartphones or tablets. Apple or Android. You can get the download links here. Free magazine for Trike Pilots. And yes, Jozinko gets a mention again!

  • CFI Training Books for Sale

      Note to Admin: I tried to submit my ad in Marketplace but...t want me to pursue it. So for me it is back to Experimental flying. I g...share the gift of flight with my friends and shoot a lot of vide...