Results for "low level flying"

Top-level pages

  • Safety!

    Topics related to SAFETY!!!!!  Add yours here for all to learn from ...  ...p;  Your POWERFUL site for friendly, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilot, Weight Shift Co...

  • TrikeMag magazine now out

    Hello Trikers.  TrikeMag is here. After more problems than a strong crosswind landing, a new online digital magazine just for Trike Pilots and enthusiasts has been...

  • Santa and the FAA

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administ...s in order. He knew they would examine all his equipment and truly put Santa's flying skills to the test. The...

  • Time to smell the roses

    I posted this blog on trikepilot social, but I seriously...affects many other lives. The pilots that perished flying your machines, their death im...;brother and near death experience of the gentleman flying Henry's trike with a Revo win...

  • Pilot's Tip of the Week- Keeping your Medical

    Many of you chose trikes because as a Light Sport Aircraft, a medical is not required.  However, there are many trike pilots with Private Pilot License  (F...

  • Ever thought about flying up into Canada eh?

    I have had a few short dicussions with some U.S. WSC pilo...A on equal footing with U.S. amateur-built aircraft flying into Canada. U.S. LSA owners...has been eliminated. TC still requires U.S. pilots flying LSA aircraft in Canadian airs...

  • History made at YFT in the QuikRRRRRRRRR !!!

    I am please to advise that I received my solo certificate last weekend at YFT....lo status whilst under instruction in this type of trike. Australian trike flying is dominated by Airbournes, s...

  • iPad Mini Killer for Less Than Half the Price

      By Robert Goyer / Published: Jan 04, 2013  in FLYING  ( )   For tho...

  • Trike Tripping & Flights Planned

    I have a flight planned to investigate a Crocodile that we shouldn't have in...y? Inspire us with your ideas, be they long or short trips.  What type of flying do you enjoy?

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    ...Strait. However we were still flying close enough to see the coast...een better viewed from ground level, instead of from the flattenin...ntricate coastline from water level in their sailing ships a coupl...right …. it was still flying into a strong headwind, but t...