Results for "training maneuvers spiral dive steep turn lazy eight"


  • Comment on "TB1309.jpg"

    This was a bithday flight and afterwards his mum signed him up for flight training. The young lad is only 13.

  • Comment on "Almost Down"

    Just an amazing shot. Thanks for clarifying about the wind direction, really good point, and makes sense. Sounds like a fantastic training opportunity you offer. I would love to cross the pond and take advantage of that one day!

  • Comment on "Snakes don't worry our birds"

    Crikey! Better pre-flight the king post. Looks like its Suta nigriceps one of the famed Elapid snakes of nastiness common to Australia. Hope Phantomus marsupialus isn't training them to do his evil deeds

  • Comment on "Sad Day"

    I see Larry Mednick has had a similar experience on the Arrow wing as I have described. I s...d like to reiterate to anyone flying one these wings that their behaviour in a slipped turn...

  • Comment on "Valley of Fire, Lake Mead, and Gold Butte"

    big hello rick yup i was skwirmming on my couch with every turn . wow what interresting terrain id like to know a little more of the formation of that aera . was this too caused by t...

  • Comment on "Trevor Goes SOLO"

    woooooooooohooooooooooooo   trevor  sooo happy to see your big smile ...apprieciated your hard work on the bus at mega. your an a-1 guy. now its gonna be your turn...

  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    I am now 2 Century's Old!!! Today I clocked up 200.9hours. 122 of which are solo hours. I had my first training flight on 1st July 2012, so all this in 3 years. Here's to another 100 hours of safe flying for me and everyone else here.

  • Comment on "whats wrong with this pictue"

    yes the haulback cable usually goes above the hang block but it got hung up this one time.have set the wing up hundreds of times and this has never happend.wing makes a hard left turn and could not figure it out.had multiple eyes on the wing after but was hard to spot

  • Comment on "Topic 4) Urge to land on dirt roads"

    Tussock, Landing on dirt strips is fine and there is a lot you can do as you describ...and on a smooth dirt road, but it had a slight rise, and turn...y landed perfectly on a dirt road, but when he taxied to turn...

  • Comment on "Noel C Flies to YCOR"

    Hi XC I am not sure where you picked up on this photo.  This was taken early on in my training.  That YFT in the back seat about to slap me in the helmet for doing something wrong.......thats not true....he never slapped me in front of a camera!!