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  • Comment on "wings spread. "

    wile s      iam no expert but i have about 107 hours on my mustang 3.    ive been very happy wi...ormance in pretty roudy turbulance.   aeros profi as far as i know...ork with. i dont think you would be  doing bad with iether wing.

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    brovo and brovo again  lucian   well written and understood post   very benificial to us all. i li...t short i will add a little corrective  throttle but  back off...ion of alltrikes and i will buy a copy  thanks   and ps yo...

  • Comment on "Annual Fly-in- Lake Havasu, AZ Jan 17-19 2014"

    ...bered that day we met upon your return from Lake Havasu.  I was thinking about driving out there for weekend.  I'll keep that in my    I'm still working on my trike.   I got my trike outside of my...

  • Comment on "General Photos"

    Theres the man.  just cant get enough of floyd  man can you imagine  flying the morning glory  engine off to the wall thats got to be ultimate dont you think?  

  • Comment on "XCtriker leaving. bye bye!"

    Hi Peter,  that is Jim in the back seat I picked him up at SZP on the way past.  It was kinda last minute with his work-  Robin is mad--  she'll have to get over it  ;)

  • Comment on "Los Angeles Flight- Day & NIGHT"

    Now THAT'S COOL!!!    Night flying will be the next big step for me too.  I'll have to do a low fly by in Elk River to clear the runway of deer and elk though!  lol   Nice Job!

  • Comment on "Over the High Tatras"

    Yea WE, Im looking forward to you too. Tomorrow (16.2.) will be two months to my flight to Australia. Ups...I usually drinking 2-3 beers (0,5L) a year... :)   Eeeeeej, Its going to be fun there!

  • Comment on "Aeromobil"

    hey dave    that was way cool   bet its gonna cost a pretty penny ill take the cheaper version my trike. dont think id park that car at wally world?

  • Comment on "Documented BRS save"

    Wow, a save at only 300 feet !  The trike looks in great shape considering.  Was sad to hear the pilot broke his femur.  Ken, are you going to monitor the web for the final report?  --> CSI group  

  • Comment on "Flying over Crabclaw"

    Wow, that is pretty desolate in between landing areas.  Looks humid.  Any handbags with teeth?  How big and hungry are your mosquitos--  or how endemic is malaria?  Just sussing things out.