Results for "Peter YFT goes BioniX"


  • Comment on "Amazing Marble Canyon Flight"

    rick absolutly amazing footage and quadro too. i loved the sunset footage on the cliffs trike tour for say net flicks. hell we have a great narrator with tom and maybe peter...

  • Comment on "Sad Day"

    Hello Tussock, Welcome back.  I am sorry to hear about your home.  Your p...with interest your technique for initiating turns.  I fly a Tanarg with a Bionix 15 wing that seems to me to b...

  • Comment on "CRASH"

    Thanks peter.  Accidents do indeed happen and anyone of us can have one. No matter how safe we are . Its a fact of life. Reminds me of when sonya was driving 16 mi...

  • Comment on "Cloud"

    Hi peter those your picture a are lenticular cirrus which are very high winds aloft definitely something I would say is a no go.Davids clouds are mamme clouds look like...

  • Comment on "DSCN0601.jpeg"

    Thanks ladies!  I think this was taken way back at Yarrawonga (YFT).  Nice bla...p; good thing too, because it's been cooler in Oz than I expected.)  Anne and Peter...

  • Comment on "Cloud"

    Peter,  that's good, but there's a more elegant way to do it easily here: You can make your link much more elegant by using this trick (In Line Text...

  • Comment on "Shopping for Flight Suits?"

    Hey Guys,   We've been using Fladen immersion suits for a couple of years now.  Really love them.  They are also inexpensive but great quality (imagine...

  • Comment on "White Cliffs Flight"

    The White Cliffs Flight. This flight was going to be a flight into the outback of A...said it was the roughest weather he has flown in. Av8or said thank god for the Bionix 13 wing. The two crews stoppe...

  • Comment on "John Farmer died in a Trike Crash"

    I didnt know John but its very hard to hear that our flying friend is not among us. In my...wing into his flying envelope. I flew it in YFT and i made flying stability tests with Peter...

  • Comment on "Nice and close"

    ok now that xc and i are back from oz iam going to report my first experience with formation flying with peter...