YFTP&M, Airborne, Apolo, Aircreation and REVO. Most models of all.

To many to list.

Nice and close

  • 2 of 5
Nice and close


  • white eagle

    ok now that xc and i are back from oz iam going to report my first experience with formation flying with peter and hedgeview and this is a good picture to do it.     as xc stated he had the more comfortable view as being in the lead trike although he may not admit it i did see the whites of his eyeballs and could hear his thoughts.      well i can say that they are extremely good at what they do and very practiced at formation flying.   seeing these photos do them very little justice as the are much closer than it appears.  ever since i was a small boy the blue angles were my heroes as i lived for 4 years at the end of right Patterson afb runways.but actually getting to do it especially in a trike, mach speed is irrelevant.for the most part ill say that i was nervous but not uncontrolled terror.i had heard that hedge had got a little sick with a student earlier and surely sympathized that that can happen to an instructor with a oscillating student. i was soon after landing very great full that i didn't crap my pants in the backseat of two great cfi s . a high speed pass and close to a wing over in for a landing . whew iam alive. i walked away in the awe of the moment and i only got called a softy once they asked me if i wanted to do it again. i calmly said well i would like to get some video of formation flying from the ground as well.  but with all do respect i am great full for the experience and have a greater trust in my wing that these things are quite a bit more durable than what most people think .i would of got some video but i was quite nervous to get my camera out?     thank you yft and hedgeview for the wonderful experience.

  • YFT

    Hi White eagle, yes we do get very close and the photo's don't show how close we really get. You now know what real formation flying is all about. The five pilots at YFT who have a formation endorsement, all fly that close. I have trained them and the training is tough. I trust my life to each and every one of them. They are all formation pilots in the full sence of the word. Flytrikes had his first tast of formation flying over the weekend. he was in echelon, and then in the lead of a Vee formation. I think he liked it. It was really great to have you and XC fly formation with us so you now know how close and what it is like.


  • Ken

    Two Northrop F-5E Tiger II airplanes of the Swiss Patrol fly close together during an aerobatic performance at the ILA Berlin Air Show in Berlin, Germany, Tuesday, May 20, 2014. Credit: AP Photo/Michael Sohn

    F5 Formation

  • XC Triker

    Thank you YFT & Hedgeview for the experiences you brought us in to.  The formation was fun, but hairy-- I was glad I was in the lead trike --- taking off 10 feet behind and right under the trike ahead would have freaked me.

    Besides the wonderful people who were definitely the highlight of the trip, this and doing the Ozzie crosswind technique were the best.

    And the Porepunkah flight, spiraling down into Eden on a grass runway in a place that resembled a mini Yosemite Valley .....     and I was allowed the front seat !!!!  (White Eagle was front seat of "his" Tanarg as well  ;)


    Hey are those two F-5E Tigers Mating?  Is that Tiger style?   :0

  • white eagle

    i second your comments xc it was my first time flying a tanarg and a wonderful cross country to do it,the tanarg handled beautifully better than i was exspecting,it was very clear that some very smart egineering went in to that machine. the throttle pin on the dash is brilliant and it comfortability for pilot and passenger is un matched. it gave me unpressident confidence in the feel and strength and handling rougher  conditions. ease in landing.       

    xc ken is pulling our leg that tiger is flying 3 inches over water and the inverted one is the reflection

  • Jozinko

    I didnt fly close formatin with you... :((( Next time, I hope... :)))