Results for "Light Sport Aircraft"


  • Comment on "Did it !!"

    That's great david not too many trike night flyers I am sure.Is the endorsement on sport pilot or PPL licence.We cant fly trikes at night in Canada legally.any way congats and have fun

  • Comment on "Electric Trike?"

    I wonder if you could use large scale electric RC aircraft motors and controllers. I they make 1/3 scale RC electric aircr...y just did a manned multi - rotor flight on a prototype 2 seater using props. And that was vertical flight! Company: I t...

  • Comment on "Utah Trip 2013"

    Jeff i just cant tell you how much i enjoyed youre series of photos. Had to comment again. You really represent the incredible beauty Of this sport in a very good way? Man youre livin the dream dude!

  • Comment on "Ready for departure"

    Thanks David, I've been flying with Damien the last few days, trust me he is the biggest ambassador for the sport I&...

  • Comment on "ALMOST!"

    Hi Guys, I don't like commenting too much on thes...GTS 450 landing at Balranald. Chris has flown his aircraft in much worse conditions than...hit the next which was the larger of the two. The aircraft slowed quicker than he though...

  • Comment on "16 hour Trike Annual Certification Course S/W US"

    Thanks Ken, Wishfull thoughts on my part without even checking conditions. Its been nice back at the beach. Finished my drive into BC at the right time. Cault the Joshua trees outside of Nipton in the perfect light. Love the desert at Magic hour. 

  • Comment on "Pahrump Trike Gathering and Balloon Festival!"

    Hey, come anyway Henry, there are bound to be back seats open. I know Debbie would not mind giving up a ride for you. And all the comraderie and food, etc. will make for a good time. You can travel very light for a change. :)

  • Comment on "About This Website-- Help, Logging In, How To's, Details, etc."

    hey your most esteemed adminship, i just got through putting a blog 'again, almost' on the 'dark side' and my one digit i used is wore to a frazzle, could you please wave your magic marker and slide it to the 'light side'. hugs cuddles and farts, monty

  • Comment on "Spiral Dive recovery"

    ...represented the integrity of aircraft design configuration in the video.? Is the aircr...As for Placard Limitations, Flight Envelopes, Pilot Training and&nb...ould not occur during normal flight environments. If you got this f...he answer is very simple. The aircraft type was unknown, therefore n...

  • Comment on "912 oil filters"

    I ordered my oil (AeroShell Sport PLUS 4 Aircraft Oil - 12-pack x 1 Litre Case) from SkyGeek but I got my filter and spark plugs from Lockwood (  ...