Results for "Crash landing"


  • Comment on "Santa Paula Fly-In 2015"

    Thanks Tussock! No landing on the beach allowed apperantly. But it's all little airport queen problbly wouldnt handle the sand too well with her high heels. ;)  

  • Comment on "Ultralight trike Emergency landing"

    Well done Rizz! It seems to me, you are landed a little downwind then you were a little long. You were crossing a palnts lines, then you had a little rock & roll. Good landing is, if you can walked away. Perfect landig is, when the trike is able fly again. :)

  • Comment on "Illinois Tornado"

    OMG!!! This is very sad video! I never saw a destructions after a tornado. You can to see one line. Nice work with front wheel before landing. This part can be shoved to students. You can to talk about it more times, but one time seen is better.

  • Comment on "Endless Trikes"

    That is so cool. Not adventurous enough to fly my trike to MT from VA but next year I may get out there to ride back seat with some of you guys. Would be great to meet in person. I'll pass on the 30kt landing practice though ;)

  • Comment on "A Weekend in September Part 3 - Flying J, Ken Brock and Going Home"

    Wow, beautiful video Ken! I love your landing place, where you can to land from all sides. Nice was your flight over the bush with your shadow. And Davids finger how he cleaned the camera... :D

  • Comment on "Pilot crashes on first solo"

    Wow, the YouTube comments as usual are typical garbage.  Most bas...ays ago This was a real crash. It was an experienced pilot,...eported power loss after takeoff. The crash happened at Skylark Field Air...k that was the pilot. If / when I crash (...

  • Comment on "Escape from Serious Spiral Dive in Real Life"

    ...tle control , and hammering into me where you landing if the engine quits right n...use them during the time of his fatal spiral crash from 350 maybe 400 agl . control and better point of destination to landing. i know this may vary for how...

  • Comment on "Out of gas!"

    Brilliant work Dave. Really fantastic landing and cool head under pressure. I had a flight where I came very close...h end of Lake Mead and back- all on the NorthWing 12 Gallon tank. On landing I flew past Boulder City airp...

  • Comment on "California Dreamin'"

    It's intresting Ken, we thought for sure the news vans would be there. But upon arrival everyone there treated it as if it was normal to land on the beach. >< Very uneventful all things considered. Brent did a fantastic job landing man. 

  • Comment on "Would you ditch in water or trees?"

    I would land into the water near the coast because I havent rocket rescue system. When I would be low then I would slow sharply and sit down as a parachute. Damage of my trike and wing will be smaller than landing between trees.