Results for "Engine Out landing"


  • Comment on "Dead Stick Mondays"

    That's right Jozinko, I often forget that (a windmilling prop (engine off)) has more drag than a stopped or idling prop. So, in your competitions, you have an engine...

  • Comment on "j ebb sled ride az"

    ...Great job Jebb! I love switch off the engine and training landings. When I was in Ukraine in 2...Ukrainan championship, I had quite bad landings without the engine, because I had a problem to "Jozef, when you turn off the engine, you must immediately turn 1st...

  • Comment on "Battens falling out of a trike wing during flight"

    Ken the case iam refering to was unreported. But from wha...was the sprog after take off came out. Instead of landing the pilot keeped flying and...with a severe right turn resulted in a crash upon landing. The pilot was hurt but ok.No...

  • Comment on "HELP!! XT-912 hydraulic brakes no go"

    Hi CrayonBox, Don't play with your carb sync. The 912 carb are preset and should not be touched unless your engine is very hard to start. This information came to me from the engine...

  • Comment on "New Gibbo Orca 12 day for BMW"

    Hey Wile, I got this wing because I knew I would never see the engine potential with a 19. I'd always just be pushing a 19 through the sky and my engine power would never be realized...rear wheel struts to make it strong for the engine...

  • Comment on "Hands off"

    I have been told that some people have been having trouble landing the PulsR? So I went up in a number of different condition and put the PulsR through and number of different speeds on landing. As you can see here the Puls...

  • Comment on "Oil Pressure Sender problem on Rotax 912 series engines?"

    Still working on this question.  Put some calls out.  Does anyone think differences in reliability engine to engine may be due to the "installer's" technique (wrong torque for example)? @Ttabs are you back to the fuel pressure sender as the root of your problem again?

  • Comment on "What's your favorite RWY surface?"

    To this point I have only landed on sealed (95%) and g...ed in experience from others if there are specific landing/takeoff techniques required for different surfaces(beyond the obvious of landing & takeoff distances for d...

  • Comment on "X-wind landings"

    ...avent one of them you must have much more second of them. Landing is flight with degreasing level. Crosswind landings are especially difficul...the sky...then more of throubles you can to solve by engine power and you cant be ashamed...

  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    I didn’t know you were down-under. It will be interesting to see if there are any mino...everal FAA guys whether there will ever be a Multi-Engine WSC rating and the answer is...are wrong. Currently, the only way to fly a Multi-Engine...