Results for "cross country flight"


  • TB13

    The YFT Tanarg B13 turned twenty...hours, that is.... t...he TB13, as it is now known, has led two formation flights, and flown in a fifty knot w...g virtually effortless. Anne has now been on three flights and is now enjoying the room...

  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting

    I flew to Novy Dvor - it's a small village about more than 100km South from my airport...anted to land anywhere because there were terrible air condition in air... The flight took me 1h and 23mins and all...

  • Aeros Profi

    This profi is fantastic.  Effortless takeoff with short rollout. Easily carries a passenger. Can land it anywhere! Level flight between 37 and 65 knots with...

  • Made a Nanolight.

    Nanolight flight today. Recently put this little guy together with a friend. Entire craft weighs about 90LBS. Has tiny 13-18HP Solo 210 ultralight aircraft engine. I have 60...

  • Weather Pics

    WOW! Stacking Lenticulars This photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke from interior wildfires near Tweedsmuir Provincial Park taken from WestJet flight. Followed by a Smokey approac...

  • First Flight 2013

      It's a Virtual Round the World Fly-In!!!! Post one best shot (or movie) from your first flight of 2013 HERE   I...

  • Recent Flight up the Coast near Home

    These photos I took flying up the coast near my house.  Include Pismo dunes, Oceano Airport (Rwy 29), and Hearst Castle.  Today I flew down the beach across...

  • Skypper flies to a new home.

    Skypper 8512 moves to a new home... Simon from Newcastle purchased our S...on Tuesday and we decided to go for a flight. The wind on take-off was on...0mins the wind was now blowing 25kts across t...runways. So what did Simon and I do? Crosswind landing of course. The fir...

  • My father Jozef "Dedenko" Sajan

    My father is my teacher, my main sponzor, my mechanic and I love him. Flying ha...ere. He started as self taught with no knowledge of aerodynamics, meteorology, flight mechanics. It was a period fu...

  • Long Beach Airport Festival

    We flew our trikes over to LGB for the annual Festival of Flight show. Over Forty planes on staic display with a bunch of fo...for a spot. It's a busy airport with a few JetBlue and Southwest flights daily. We fly the Trikes in...