Results for "cold weather flying"


  • A private strip in Darwin Australia.

    Steve Braddy learnt to fly with me last year. Steve purchased his XT-912 Arrow with...built his own airfield on some land next to his house. He now has a lot of fun flying the friendly skies around the...

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    Helping a new pilot set up his brand new NW Maverik trike. Had to get CG all squaired...ion, prop pitch, locktite all engine bolts, beef up rear landing gear for real flying).  Loved the little kaw...

  • Green1 Electric Trike by eUP Aviation

      This is The Green1 self launch Motor Glider Trike From eUP Aviation inc....teries available for 30 minutes 1 hour or 2 hours of managed flight. I was flying the trike and the noise in th...

  • Coast to Karroo to Coast

    Took of at 08h10  on Saturday 21 June 2014 from our small town Knysna airstrip...the Karroo - landed on the newly tarred strip and had a warm breakfast before flying back on a different route via...

  • TB13

    The YFT Tanarg B13 turned twenty...hours, that is.... this morning. All the flying it has done so far has been i...

  • Colorado Trip, 2013

    I took a 4 day flying trip from Belen, NM to Pagosa Springs and Creede Colorado in September 2013.   This album contains my best pictures from the trip. Enjoy the s...

  • Split in Prop (CSI)

    The Trike is an Airborne XT-912 with a Arrow wing. The aircraft is only six months...Australia. It is a one owner and the pilot was trained by me at YFT. After flying from MTK to a strip at Crab C...

  • Aeros Profi

    This profi is fantastic.  Effortless takeoff with short rollout. Easily carries...between 37 and 65 knots with rpm range 4600-4950! Instantly felt comfortable flying from back seat with inexperie...

  • TG4 - 2015

    The Aussie Air Creation story continues... True Glory IIII...6 Oct 2015 aircraft import delivery to Australia. Flying is the easy satisfy...nce for registration, is the other bit..! No flying for me this trip.. To begin,...

  • Ronnie's Sex Shop Barrydale

    About a month ago Noël and myself flew to Barrydale for a food and Blues Festi...50 km trip in one direction - against a 45 kph headwind -this took us 4 hrs of flying time. We had to land on route...