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  • Green River

    No question, my best flight ever. Watch in HD.

  • Training

    the situation: you are standing on the ground and you are watching at the trike in the sky what is going to land. Usually you can see the bottom side of trike. My question is: what is a chance to see upper side of wing? see at 2:30 It was the stall what I mentioned some days before...


  • Learning to Trike

    Learning to Trike

    Learners and experienced pilots sharing their knowledge


  • How hard is the Sport Pilot's FAA written test

     I would like to know how hard is the FAA written sport pilot exam? I am using the TestPrep book and Prepware software and in addition I am also using Prepare to test online bank of questions. The questions on Prepware and Prepare to test are almost identical so I am thinking that bo...

    Tags: Sport Pilot exam, prepare, questions, prepware, using, question