Results for "getting started"




  • Paddock Burns

    Autumn has started at YFT, with the farmers, next to the airport burning off their paddocks.

  • Mt Beauty Gathering of Moths

    ...and point, it was a goer. Saturday... Pilots started to arrive at 0500 hours. This...we all shut down for the day. Our day had now started. First off let's walk into to...the walk back to the Aerodrome helped towards getting us all back under  MTOW....

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Discussion topics


Top-level pages

  • Flying Sayings & Quips

    I started a similar thread on this forum, but this other thread I started grew much more.  Some really funny stuff (some dumb).  Here's the other:

  • I am very close to Solo....

    Hi Everyone.  I wish to introduce myself.  My name is Stewart. I am in - that's where it started so I guess that is where it s...

  • +22 more Top-level pages

Market posts

  • Wanted: Dragonfly

    ...he thighs down to now being able to move his right ankle.  He has started physio and is waiting to be t...s local Etobikoke.  In very good spirits he is looking forward to getting back in the air.   The...




  • Member's  Life Stories
    • open group
    • 3 members

    Member's Life Stories

    So, what did you do today?
  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.
