Results for "airplane revitalization"





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  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklist Question: "I had...nt the last 500 feet concentrating on landing the airplane but did not block the door op...away without a scratch, but did $50K damage to my airplane. At w...

  • The Basics of Buying a Bird

    The Basics of Buying a Bird How great would it be to buy that new airplane for the holidays? If you’re in the market for buying a new or used aircraft, be sure to have a look at Sabr...

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  • new privelidges

    Just passed ck. ride and got new privelidges for SFIE for ASEL so if anyone needs a ck ride for for flight instructor for airplane I can now conduct that.




  • Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    Advanced Triking - Above and beyond normal Flying

    For all pilots who want to go above and beyond basic sport, private and CFI certificates to new levels of skill, precision and safety.


  • the Small Airplane Revitalization Act has just become Law !!!

    The general aviation industry is applauding the Small Airplane Revitalization Act, which was signed by President Obama on Wednesday afternoon. The recommendations focus on increasing safety and reducing government and industry certification costs for light general aviation airplanes. T...

    Tags: Small Airplane Revitalization Act, general aviation, small airplane, airplane revitalization, small airplane revitalization, revitalization