Results for "World Class Trike Flights"

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  • Flight Log to Share

    For all you pilots out there, I thought I would share my Big week of flying. ...5 days. And I thought we could all do the same.  So please post your flights with a brief description of w...

  • 2018 Annual Trike Fly-in July 14 - 21 ......

    It's official and we are ramping up quickly for another great event.   And...t springs.  There is gas at many of the surrounding airports for extended flights.  There is so much to se...

  • My Conclusion for the best camera for trike videography

    ...o step in the HD video camera I have spoken to some trike pilots and spent many hours o...p you much either. Some great trike videos (Damien) were shot wit...ho do very long cross country flights (with battery life upto 7 h...bsp; I hope this helps my trike friends. Your input is grea...

  • Ever thought about flying up into Canada eh?

    I have had a few short dicussions with some U.S. WSC pilots about bringing their rigs up int...p whose task was to review how recreational aircraft are class...r a private pilot licence. LSA can be registered Limited Class T...

  • Soloed

    I did it. Finished my training and soloed my beautiful Sky Cycle trike. Mike did an awesome job training me and building the trike. It flies like a dream. I'm going to have a blast being a trike pilot :)

  • The DC-8 and the Trike (joke)

    One day the pilot of a Trike was told by the tower to hold short of the active runway w...rolled out, turned around, and taxied back past the Trike. Some quick-witted comedian i...plane. Did you make it all by yourself?” The Trike p...

  • What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination

    Now, I know there is not one good answer for this question. Some of us (like...xtremely fast. If we were to piece-meal a trike...LOL, what would be an all purpose middle of the road trike, wing, engine combination. Th...12 (for reliability). That is my ultimate trike,...

  • Elk River Fly-in 2013

    Well that time of year is quickly approaching!   Woo Hoo!! I think I hav...cally are hot and when that high pressure system rolls in, morning and evening flights are awesome (unlike last year...

  • Trike Tripping & Flights Planned

    I have a flight planned to investigate a Crocodile that we shouldn't have in our area. Two new sightings of the elusive Mary River crocodile Friday, Jan...

  • Cloud Soaring Record set on Airborne XT-582 Trike !!! In Oz !!

    William Olive known to his mates and others as Billo has been a consistent visitor t...Cruze wing was able to climb up to the cloud and switch off the engine and soar to the world r...