Results for "Tax"


  • FU ... Smoke

    ...hazard reduction burn. The city was blanketed in smoke that night as a result. And then the government has the nerve to charge industry for carbon tax (industrial pollution).

  • Stolen Ultralight Trike

    This trike was stolen in the Las Vegas area late summer 2012. Home made trike, Rotax 447 - Northwing green and white wing. The owner misses it dearly. Contact me if you have seen it.

  • Thomas Bilik - my friend

    ...he chose bad field to landing :) There was not taxi way to road... He putted can...veral years ago I landed to a first field here, taxied via road, stopped before S...nd I gave priority to cars on main road. Next I taxiied to filling station...

  • Low Flying- Hey watch this ....

    ...hs after it happened and the US government was really pissed because the tax payers would see the waste & near senseless slaughter. Us tax payers ARE the government--...

  • Kites Trikes Yikes 1972-1989 before the sport was legal, at Scone in the Hunter Valley. The Airborne Edge 582 aircraft of the time performed extremely good, fitted with a Rotax 582 (2 stroke) engine & 2...

  • Learning Trike Landings Part 1

    Paul Hamilton brings one of his students through startup, taxi, takeoff, airport pattern and first landing. Paul is in the back seat and utilizes the "Low Approach" method as the first step to teach landings.

  • Trike Fly Together Intro Flight Part 1

    Paul Hamilton provides a discovery/intro flight in a weight-shift control trike to a student with all the basics of a first lesson. Part 1 is startup, familiarization with the controls, taxi, takeoff, transfer of controls, and climb out.

  • my first flight test in my sky cycle soaring trike and falcon 3 tandem wing

    ...ang glider and a little different than my redback but I think iam going to have a lot of fun with it sonya was tired filming and filmed all my taxiing so her batterys were dead...

  • AirCam in action

    ...f assurance. AirCams can take off on one engine, easily, and with both Rotax 912's turning, leap off, je to požužlání, na vzlet z asfaltu stačí pomaly 30 m ! s dvomi Rotaxami 912 sa ani nedivím, suveré...

  • Rotax 582 Engine Stops when going Full Throttle

    Rotax 582 Engine Stops when going Full Throttle