Results for "Rizzy's Navajo Trike with HKS engine run test"


  • Inverted flight

    Northwing Navajo goes inverted

  • Jany

    Jany and me are partners in our ROGALLO TEAM trike school. It was radio and antenna test flight, but for Jany it was passion...

  • Some low level flying in a North Wing ATF and practicing a couple engine off landings

    A few weeks back Ken reposted a thread I started on "Dead Stick Monday". Was sor...nd I found some examples (from a different video perspective) of doing a few engine off landings in my NW ATF soaring trik...

  • flying with friends

    It was my birthday then I decided to give a gift to myself - trike flight. But there came my friends. Jo...Konečný had first flight on my trik...nt know how high he is, what RPMs the engine have... He flew by feeling. B...ny Lacúch is instructor in our trik...

  • Rizzy's free as a bird flight

    Rizzy's free as a bird flight on July 06, 2013. I really enjoyed it, I hope you do too.

  • AirCam in action

    This would be a blast!... The AirCam is a great airplane...other airplanes. It's a twin-engine very light plane designed f...ree tops in safety as it can, with no engine management challenge, climb u...lights or any other aircraft, with the same level of assurance. AirCams can take off on one engi...

  • white eagles first engine out in soaring trike at elk river fly in

    well here goes . i had a engine out at the elk river fly in this year in my soaring trike. thought i would let it be for...small dirt road on the downwind with lots of tourist or the run...making another diagnal to leave with sufficient altitude and climb t...hecked it on my inverted zenoah engi...

  • Engine Backfires Then Fails

    When the engine fails fly the aircraft and keep looking for a landing spot while troubleshooting. I think the pilot did a good job throughout.

  • Rizzy's bad landing

    The wind was rough, I flew for about 45 mins or so and got tired of fighting with the wing and decided to land, I didn't like my first landing approach so decided to go around, turns out the second landing attempt was not that great either. In extreme scenarios, a trike could flip.

  • How to mount camera on the trike

    Hi, This is a very old video, I shot this back in 2011 (time passes so fast!). This video will show you some mounts and mounting ideas and a short clip of the video with those mounting position. I hope you find it useful. Rizzy