Results for "Pilot's Prayer"


  • First Flight for Michelle

    Reno native Michelle takes her first flight with paul Hamilton and gets an hour towards her private Pilot trike license

  • New Formation Pilot

    Noel C dipped his toe into the water of Formation flying when he lead YFT, Kel and Hedgeview around Lake Mulwala on Australia Day Evening, warming up the crowd on th...

  • Jim Waters

    Since I've embarked on this journey to become a Trike Pilot, I've met some of the most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.Jim Waters is among them....

  • A private strip in Darwin Australia.

    Steve Braddy learnt to fly with me last year. Steve purchased his XT-912 Arrow without ever having flown one. He drove from Darwin to the Airborne factory to pick up...

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    Helping a new pilot set up his brand new NW Maverik trike. Had to get CG all squaired away and a multitude of other details (install bush acceptable front suspension, p...

  • Novy dvor - a goulash meeting

    I flew to Novy Dvor - it's a small village about more than 100km South from my airport. There was a trike pilot sudent waited to me - to his final exam. It was nice sun...

  • Weather Pics

    WOW! Stacking Lenticulars This photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke that blankets virtually the entire province of B.C. The first photo taken by a pilo...

  • Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG.

    Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG. Do you remember Monty Python’s Irvine Airlines? Well, Shaun and Fleecia, the only two sheep who ever actually flew, ha...