Results for "Grumpy Old Fart"



Top-level pages

  • stones spupidicity 101

    the other day, for no good reason i changed my 12m wing for my 14.7. it was hot CHANGED. the wing wanted to increase the a.o.a MUCH more than this timid old fart wanted. i had to REALLY pull...

  • Everyday Blonde Jokes

    I have nothing against the blondes, but I think some of these jokes are just funny. If...londe who lost 85% of her brains? A: Her husband died. Q: Why can't blondes fart? A: They don't shut up long...


  • Episode 2, Frame 2: WW Trike Incident-- Trike Wizzards and the Adventures of AllTrikes

    Meet Swift Grumpy Old Fart!  (Hey you're on the wrong Freq too) (This is frame 2 of this series- go back one to start the cartoon)   Join the first World Wide Trike virtual Fly-In at on New Years Day! Share the beginning of 2013 with Trike Enthusias...

    Tags: WW Trike Incident, Trike Wizzards and the Adventures of AllTrikes, Trike Wizzards, Grumpy Old Fart