Results for "Engine Out landing"


  • Samorin

    There we had all there: nice weather, nice XC flight, landing at "new airport" for me and adrenaline too. My friends engine stopped and he had an emergency landing at field.

  • Engine Backfires Then Fails

    When the engine fails fly the aircraft and keep looking for a landing spot while troubleshooting. I think the pilot did a good job throughout.

  • Emergency Landing!!!!

    What will you do if your engine stalls on take-off?

  • a black Sunday

    Martin's training, the engine failure and real emergency landing

  • Engine out and a belly landing in a Dragonfly

    Not exactly sure what happened here - looks like he forgot the gear! Perfect spot to land

  • Learning Trike Landings Part 2

    Learning Trike landings with the low approach technique. In addition to the low approach landing technique, a surprise engine failure landing is demonstrated.

  • flying bills ranch

    hot landing engine off in my new soaring trike sweet grass roots flying machine

  • Testing my "Engine Out" flying skills.

    A bit of a boring video I know, and yes it is much easier when the landing site is one that is very familiar and available. But still, a good bit of exercise now and then to learn to judge your descent and distance judging skills.

  • Rizzy's bad landing

    The wind was rough, I flew for about 45 mins or so and got tired of fighting with the wing and decided to land, I didn't like my first landing approach so decided to go around, turns out the second landing attempt was not that great either. In extreme scenarios, a trike could flip.

  • Passion

    I did the engine oil leak test. It was first flight after repair engine. The owner of LZDV airport told me: You are crazy! You did the engine test and you used it at full throttle with 45°climbing... How else could I do the test?