Results for "Christmas FREEBIE"




Discussion topics

  • Why the Angel Sits atop the XMas Tree

    One Christmas, Santa was having a really bad day. The local elves union was up in arms over their contract and were and there stood a tiny little angel. The angel had been searching for a Christm...

  • Santa and the FAA

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administration, and the FAA examiner arrived last week for the pre-Christm...

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  • Merry Christmas All Trikers 2013

    Merry Christmas All Trikers .. A simple jesture to wish you all the very best for the festive season. May all trikers and families enjoy safe, memorable and smooth flights into 2014... Satis-Fly... your Passion.!

  • Flying with Dazza

    Earlier this year I flew with Dazza. Recently I wanted to know how to combine flight d...d the track with my iPad. The missing ingredient to complete the task, was a freebie! Garmin VIRB Edit software....

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