Results for "BMW"




  • BMW 1200GS

    Early test day Caldwell. Glad they are tests. Half of the exhaust was planted in a farmers field from 1500 feet. Lucky to still have a prop or sail. Redesigned the exhaust and all is well.

  • BMW 1200GS

    New exhaust now works without falling off. Flew for a while over the wine orchards and made a pest of myself for the workers below. Got out to the Snake River to t...

  • +6 more Photos


Discussion topics

  • Wing Fold back problems

    ...o help me figure out WTF I am doing wrong. I own a North Wing Navajo that is really old. I have completely refurbished the carriage and added a BMW 1200GS engine with a Warp Dri...

Top-level pages


  • 6Th Annual PNW Fly in south of Nakusp I collided with a bear and messed up my one year old BMW C650 GT scooter. The impact d...e was towed back to Nakusp and the next morning we were towed to Kelowna BMW dealer. I continued then by b...
