Results for "Rizzy's Navajo HKS trike test flight"


  • Most Beautiful Valley - Montana/Idaho Trike Cross Country Flight

    George, Tom and I flew through the valley located at the west of Cabinet Mountains. It is one of the most beautiful valley with meadows, lakes and rivers with crystal clean water. We took off Troy Airport in Montana and landed at Sandpoint Airport in Idaho. The flight duration was about 70 minutes.

  • Flying with Leo

    A nice flight with Leo Fitzgerald at 6th Annual North West Trike Fly In

  • Leo flew REV - True Fun Ultrailight Trike

    Leo enjoyed the flight in REV. Listen what he said at the end of the clip.

  • 20180519 mt taylor loop, narrated

    On this trip, I led two trike pilots (Mike and Mark) on a tour to the top of 11305 ft Mt east from the volcano. Unfortunately, Mike and Mark's trik..., a small cliff dwelling, a secret blue hole spring, the Navajo...

  • First Flight in 2016 - Software Stabilization Comparison

    The air was rowdy just before a big storm coming in, 10mph gusting15mph on the runway, 35mph gusting 45mph at 1500 MSL. My trike was tossed around pretty good during the short flight. The footage is good sample f...

  • Anna's Flight

    A very nice evening flight with Anna, who had not flown in a small aircraft before. Smooth air and a nice moon opposite a nearly setting sun made for a great first flight experience!

  • 20180702 ShipRock

    This mountain captures the spirit of New Mexico like no other....6 mile long spine from the south, then circled the peak test for thermals and strong me like a huge monster with three long tentacles. In Navajo...

  • Trike Flying #21 - Lake Mead &Valley of Fire

    Launch from Echo Bay airport flew out to Lake Mead up to St Thomas then over to Valley of Fire 13 Sep 2014 with Harold Solo and Therese first flight in a Trike and she liked it!!

  • PAL-V Flying Car - Maiden Flight

    This week the Dutch company PAL-V announced the first flights of its prototype "flying car". This unique vehicle is called...s to the advanced gyrocopter technology. With these successful test results it is proven that it is...

  • Our first Home flight

    Flight around our home in So Cal. The flight originated from Perris Airport, to Moreno Valley ( home) then to Redlands over the Badlands, and from there south to Hemet, where I rounded towards Sun City, then back to Perris and covered 96.4 miles in 1.6 hours. Enjoy :)