Results for "Cross Wind"


  • Marcy Field

    Just outside Lake Placid, in Upstate New York. Marcy Field. Great little airport! I do my cross country pulling a trailer with the trike, a roof top tent, kayaks, etc.

  • Go Around by RizzyWizzy

    The other day as I was about to land and had announced my intentions to do so. This Cessna acknowledged my call. He.... I don't know if he misunderstood me or didn't see me, but he made the call to cros...

  • Crosswind challenges

    Most trike pilots develop a healthy respect for the difficulties that cross winds can present when flying a WSC...amp; takeoffs at Birmingham (UK) which is known for some rather stiff Xwinds.

  • Cross Country flight

    I flew to Nitra airport for trike instructor and his student and made him a final theoretical and practical exam for pilot licence. BTW new Apollo TL wing was really horribly in thermal weather... Next we all - 4 trikes - flew to Prusy airport for a goulash party.

  • first engine running

    I hope I finished today... On next veekend we will have the Aeromeeting near Myjava city. Im happy because it will my first cross country flight in present year. It will my first flight... :) I checked oil, petrol, warming engine, checked radio and intercom. Im ready!

  • Chasing Clouds - Yarrawonga Victoria 2014

    The day was overcast and unsettled. The late afternoon brought on smooth air little wind and a breaking up of the cloud cover. What better time for some formation flying around the clouds

  • Thermal

    I wanted to fly with my father visit our friends to another airport. Spring thermal is strong, I know it plus a little wind. But what awaited us there at 3:00pm was unexpected... I was completely sweaty... We were sitting for a nonalcoholic beer and flew again two hours later.

  • an autumn flight

    First flight this day was crazy. I didnt know where North is... Very gusty wind over 100m+thermal. I could to serve a goooood mixed drinks... Ufortunately I havent a camera on boaerd. next flights about 2 hours later, was quite beautiful.

  • Beautiful lakes and Shore by Ultralight Trike - Olympic Peninsula

    Cross country flight from Sequim Valley Airport to Sekiu Airport. I flew over Crescent Lake and beautiful shore of the peninsula en route. It was about 70 miles, 1hour 10 minutes flight.

  • Rizzy's bad landing

    The wind was rough, I flew for about 45 mins or so and got tired of fighting with the wing and decided to land, I didn't like my first landing approach so decided to go around, turns out the second landing attempt was not that great either. In extreme scenarios, a trike could flip.